Reborn Rich New Korean Web Series Season 1 Episode No 8 Recap And Review

Reborn Rich Season 1 Episode 8 Recap 

Episode 8 of Reborn Rich begins and Hyeon-min’s house. Everyone around is excited about the upcoming wedding. As is customary, Sung-joon and his friends present gifts to his father-in-law and are invited to a party. At Jeongsimjae, Dong-ki eats with Chairman Jin. Young-ki is surprised to see him.

  Dong-ki comes to the dinner to find out about Chairman Jin’s gift to Sung-joon. Young-ki is sure that Chairman Jin will start grooming him to replace Sung-joon, since family rule is primogeniture. While the sons fight over the family business, the father is depressed due to his health.  

 Se-hyeon reluctantly urges Do-ju to give up digital media city for miraculous investments. An idea strikes, and Do-jun and Se-hyeon visit the Soonyang medical facility to meet with Daeyoung’s chairman. Do-jun informs the chairman that he was there to give him business advice on how the Daeyoung distributor can beat Soonyang transport.

  At the wedding, Sung-joon tells Hyeon-min that he knows about her interest in Do-jun. A flashback shows her intending to visit Hyeon-min at his gallery and seeing them together. He uses this information to blackmail her. Do-jun arrives while taking a family photo. He stands by Chairman Jin, who still thinks he has the upper hand on the New Seoul City project. He asks why Do-joo isn’t happy, and he replies that he’s given up on his goal of buying Soonyang with his own money. Chairman Jin is confused.

  During the wedding reception, Mr. Lee informs Chairman Jin about a guest who is Daeyoung Group Chairman Joo Young II. He is angry that Do-joon visited him. Elsewhere, Do-jun walks in to see Sung-joo. Sung-joon apologizes for DMC and warns Do-jun not to go against Soonyang. He warns not to start a fight that is already over.

  Sung-joon gets a call that all the spots at DMC are filled.

  Do-jun informs her that he is late for the wedding after the deadline set by the city of Seoul and that he must complete the requirements of the contract. Do-jun tells him that he has no intention of handing over the DMC project to the Soonyang Group. Sung-joon is furious. Do-jun asks, implying that there aren’t any legal ways he can use to fill the spots because of Soonyang’s cowardly intervention. He scoffs and leaves.

  Do-jun advises Chairman II Young not to sell the Daeyoung distributorship and instead buy a home shopping channel that is for sale. Chairman Young II informs Chairman Jin that Daeyoung will be joining DMC. Suddenly, Chairman Jin has a mobility disorder, as his doctor says. He is afraid that his children will find out about it.

  At the family dinner, everyone is worried about Chairman Jin’s gift to Sung-joon. In disbelief, Geochnag assigns him to work at the distribution warehouse. Baba knew that New Seoul City was behind the illegal land speculation and the failure of the project with DMC, and he was very disappointed.

He also announces that Soonyang will no longer follow primogeniture. Members must buy all the shares with their money or prove they are capable enough to become a leader. He would get everything he could to raise Soonyang and make it better. He also said that Soonyang is his favorite of all his children. Sung-joon loses his cool and wants to fight Do-jun. Hyeon-min faints.

  As a flashback, we return to the meeting between Chairman Jin and Chairman Young II. He complimented Do-joo on his business acumen and said he reminded him of Chairman Jin. Like Chairman Jin, he has a good sense for catching the smell of money. Chairman II Young admits that he let his guard down knowing that none of Chairman Jin’s children were after him, but Do-jun scared him. In the photo session, Do-jun said the same thing to the chairman. He would use what he learned from her and do everything he could to get Soonyang.

Do-jun had reached his next goal. Chairman Jin struck primogeniture, which gave everyone in the family a chance. He was still interested in getting Soonyang, but he understood that the other family members would easily betray each other to become Soonyang’s next owner.

  At Jeongsimjae, Pil Ok is furious about Chairman Jin’s statement at the wedding dinner. At the hospital, Hyeon-min wakes up after everyone has left. He faked fainting to prevent Sung-joo from doing something stupid.

  Mr. Lee informs Hwa-young, Dong-ki and Young-ki about the business divestment carried out by Chairman Jin as requested by the government and the IMF. Each must pay the previous owners for the previously held subsidiaries in order to gain full ownership. Chang-je suggests that Hwa-young wants financial help from Miracle’s investment.

  Hwa-young invites Do-jun and her mother to Soonyang department store. He invites her under the guise of joining the fashion store, but Do-jun belittles Hae-in as he watches her to teach him a lesson. He must know his place, he must not cross the line.  

  In a flashback to Hyeon-woo’s life, he remembers New Information Technology, a huge investment opportunity.

  In-hyeok informs Dong-ki of spy Do-jun’s new interest in stock trading. Dong-ki invests in New Information Technology. Hwa-young needs $400 million to pay off the ownership of the Soonyang distribution group.

  Her brothers don’t offer to help, so Se-hyeon is forced to turn to her. At the meeting, Se-hyeon demands a 30% stake in the Soonyang department store as collateral for the loan. Se-hyeon also talks about New Data technology. Using company funds, Hwa-young also invests in New Data technology.

  Young-ki and Dong-ki call Se-hyeon to say that they are interested in paying back the $400 million in exchange for shares in Soonyang Department Store. He wants $800 million and $1.6 billion from Dong-ki.

  Elsewhere, Hwa-young is confused as she follows Se-hyeon’s advice and sells New Information Technology shares at $40, which has risen to $55 and continues to climb rapidly. Do-jun visits his office and reveals that his brothers are interested in buying shares in the company from Miracle’s investments.

He also notes that the price of shares of New Data technology is likely to rise to $300. This becomes a turning point and he succumbs to the pressure. He asks the CFO to invest 140 million company funds in new information technology. He fell into Do-ju’s trap.

  Episode Review

  The most interesting development in this episode was the fall of primogeniture. As always, our hero continues to amaze the audience with his unique way of thinking.

  One would think that he wanted his grandfather to change his rule over the elders, to have a chance to become the rightful heir to everything, but he intended to use the Soonyang family’s selfishness and greed against them.  

  Although it’s sad, it’s quite gratifying to see Sung-joo lose. He lets his pride and emotions get the better of him and ends up making terrible choices. Do-jun keeps making smart moves and the family keeps falling into his traps. What will be their investments in New Information Technology?


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