Reborn Rich New Korean Web Series Season 1 Episode No 7 Recap And Review

Reborn Rich Season 1 Episode 7 Recap 

Episode 7 of Reborn Rich begins with Hyeon-min meeting Sung-joon. He asks her if she knows the owner of Miracle’s investment. Elsewhere, our hero meets his grandfather, who is the main shareholder of Miracle Investment. Chairman Jin is confused, incredulous, and extremely angry.

  He thinks that Do-joon is doing everything to get him to leave the Soonyang corporations to Do-joon, not his eldest son Sung-joon. Do-jun further confuses Soonyang when he tells her that he doesn’t want to inherit her; instead, he wants to buy with his money.  

 At a meeting with Sung-joon, Hyeon-min is disappointed that Sung-joon doesn’t know about his biggest business rival. He concludes that she is not suitable for him and asks him to cancel the marriage proposal. She wants to meet someone who got a position, not just because they are the great grandson of Chairman Jin Yang Cheol.

  Do-jun explains to Chairman Jin why he is interested in buying Soonyang. He understands the sweat and tears that Chairman Jin put into growing the business. However, Chairman Jin’s ruling on his eldest inheriting is against him.

  Young-ki may be his eldest son, but that doesn’t necessarily equate to him inheriting Chairman Jin’s entrepreneurial skills. Therefore, Soonyang under Young-ki’s chairmanship will not be the same as Soonyang under Chairman Jin. Grandpa is dumbfounded.

  Chairman Jin Do-jun threatens; urges him to go back to school and forget about Se-hyeon, who he thinks is the one who provoked Do-joo. Do-jun responds by asking Chairman Jin to release Se-hyeon in exchange for a share of the development of New Seoul. Dad still thinks he has the upper hand, and Do-joon smiles, revealing that he didn’t even begin the bargain.

  Elsewhere, Mayor Chang-jae prepares to hold a press conference.

  Chang-je is in a meeting with Mr. Lee, who wants to know the agenda of the press conference. He reports that the results of the prosecutor’s investigation show that real estate speculators used inside information in the New Seoul City project. The main culprits were the family members of Young-ki’s wife.

Do-jun tells his grandfather that the story will change if the owner of the Miracle investment that bribed Mayor Chang-jae turns out to be Chairman Jin’s youngest grandson. With the additional information that his daughter-in-law was involved in land speculation, the public would believe that Chairman Jin was the mastermind. The statement shakes Chairman Jin to his core.

  At home, Chairman Jin summons Jung-rae and realizes that Young-ki is the one who used her family members to exploit the land value in Seoul, New Town. He intended to recoup the losses he had incurred from the acquisition of Hando Steel.

  Do-joon visits his uncle, Mayor Chang-je, who expresses concern that his father-in-law, Chairman Jin, will try to bring him down while he is mayor. Do-jun advises trying to climb high enough that the chairman can’t pull him down. Do-jun suggests that Chang-jae can rise as high as president with the support of the people.

  Se-hyeon is impressed by Do-joon’s way of thinking. She jokes that she is not 22 years old and that if she takes off her handsome mask, she will find a 40-year-old man inside. He also thinks this might be Do-joon’s second life. Do-jun honestly replies that it was both, thinking Do-jun is bluffing.

  It turned out that Young was serving a prison sentence that caused knee problems. Chairman Jin seems remorseful, saying that his sins are deep. Young-ki urges his son not to do anything to hurt his grandfather. Mr. Lee intends to spread the word that Do-joon is the owner of Miracle Investments, but Chairman Jin prefers not to.

Do-jun vows that Chairman Jin Yang Cheol’s children will never inherit Soonyang. In a flashback, he reveals that the Soonyang Group caused Hyen-woo’s family members to die, making it impossible for him to return to his family. Thus, he will ensure that the children will never share Soonyang peacefully.

  Chairman Jin takes Young-ki to the hospital for examination and Soonyang. Mr. Lee suggests leaving the company to a family member who is more like him. Chairman Jin wonders if there is one. He also admits that even if he did, his children would never allow it. Instead, they would fight and torture each other until the end.

  Thinking that Yoong-ki is behind Do-joon’s schemes, Chairman Jin offers him ownership of the Soonyang medical and HR Development center. In return, he must stop interfering in Soonyang Corporation’s affairs.

  In revenge for losing the bid for the New Seoul City project, Chairman Jin uses his influence to force businesses signed to invade the digital media city to withdraw. This sets back Do-joon’s plans, as he must find new residents or the deal with the mayor will fall through.

  Sung-joon uses this development to declare his superiority against Do-joon and Mayor Chang-jae. He’s sure that Do-jun will find no alternative, and that Mayor Chang-je will have no choice but to offer the project to Soonyang.

  Do-jun comes up with a new idea to use online media companies that aren’t dependent on Soonyang advertising. A new potential investor is interested on the condition that Do-joo agrees to meet with them. The investor happens to be Min-hyeon. He offers a deal that Do-joo can’t refuse.

  Do-jun leaves the meeting with Hyeon-min and goes to the cafe where Nin-young works. Unfortunately, he no longer works there. He returns his coupons because he no longer intends to come to the cafe. He wonders if he should call Min-young, but he deciphers against it, and Min-young comes running outside to find him.

  A conversation breaks out between Do-jun and Hyeon-min. She rejected his proposal because she wanted them to get married in return. He wanted Do-joon to always obey his family and do what he said, making him the grandson of the Soonyang family. He refuses the deal and walks out. Hyeon-min’s second choice is called Sung-joon, who seems ready to take the ring.

  Do-jun is at home with his brother Hyeong-joon, who is watching a shopping channel. His brother says something that piques Do-joo’s interest. Home shopping isn’t about buying things you need, it’s about buying things you want.

  Yoong-ki informs his son that his grandfather visited and gave Soonyang a medical examination as a warning to stop being stingy with Soonyang. However, instead of letting Do-ju down, Jung-ki offers to buy a cable movie channel for DMC. Offers support. Listening at the door, Hae-in promises Yoong-ki that she will look after their son. Hyeon-woo admits that he is Do-jun, and Yoon-ki, Hae-in, and Hyeon-joon are his family.  

Sung-joon presents the chairman with a wedding invitation. As a reward, he asks Chairman Jin to treat him like an adult member of the family. The family members think that by making him an adult member of the family, Chairman Jin will declare Sung-joon next in line at the wedding ceremony.

Chairman Jin sits on the old traffic road. She looks sad and depressed because her doctor has discovered an arteriovenous brain malformation. The disease is chronic and the only thing doctors can do is monitor it closely.

  Episode Review

  It was a shock that Do-ju intended to buy Soonyang. Now we know that he had all his plans to acquire the business, not to inherit Soonyang. Also, it’s pretty obvious that Chairman Jin can go as far as he wants and betray anyone, regardless of who they are, as long as he gets in his way.

  It was satisfying to see Do-joon stand up to him and encourage Chang-je to do the same when everyone around him was ready to suck him up, even on his knees. Hyeon-min’s intentions are finally revealed. For a minute, it looked like Do-joon would agree to her demands. He was relieved to see that she wasn’t about to be roped in.

  Hyeon-min doesn’t take no for an answer as she and Sung-joon send out wedding invitations. Will Chairman Jin Sung-joon offer Soonyang Corporation as a wedding gift?


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