Reborn Rich New Korean Web Series Season 1 Episode No 5 Recap And Review

Reborn Rich Season 1 Episode 5 Recap 

Chapter 5 of Reborn Rich begins with an overview of the IMF’s currency crisis. The government is calling on people to come together and help deal with the crisis since the country went bankrupt. The Korean government requested financial assistance from the IMF, which came under strict conditions. The government had to implement full market opening, promote the flexibility of labor markets and reform conglomerates.

  Chairman Jin is furious at the conditions. He calls a meeting to discuss what to do to survive the crisis. In contrast, Do-jun was aware of the crisis and prepared for it, becoming the only person in Korea with the most US dollars. He co-founded Miracle Investment with Oh Se-hyeon as his partner and CEO.  

 Rachael gives him a contract to sign, and he uses the letters H.W, making Se-hyeon wonder what he means. In a flashback, we are taken back to the scene at the bank with Hyeon-woo withdrawing the funds on Sung-joon’s instructions. He signs the initials of H.W.

  Ahjin Motors, the second largest car manufacturer in Korea, declares bankruptcy. It becomes the first company that Miracle Investment is interested in buying. Se-hyeon is against this move. Elsewhere, Chairman Jin is also very interested in the development of events. Hyeon-woo’s father is among the workers who lost their jobs due to the Ahjin motors shutdown.

  In February 1998, the government announced the beginning of a new era to overcome the national crisis. So prices will continue to rise, more people will lose their jobs, profits will continue to decline, and more companies will go bankrupt. Soonyang Group and Daeyoung Group are invited to a breakfast meeting with the president. Cheongwadae corporations are determined to reform, and Soonyang will be no exception.

  Chairman Jin announces his intention to buy Ahjin Motors, much to Dong-ki and Young-ki’s surprise. Chairman Jin is disappointed that his sons do not understand the importance of acquiring the Ahjin motors in order for the Soonyang motors to survive.

  Se-hyeon worries that Chairman Jin will be determined to acquire Ahjin motors, and the government is more likely to give the company to the Soonyang Group rather than a new company like Miracle Investments, which has no management experience. Do-jun is sure that Soonyang Motors will never buy Ahjin motors because they will realize that they have fallen victim to the winner’s curse.

  Soonyang group’s cash reserves are running out because of the huge investment to acquire Hando steel. The company does not have access to bank loans as it has maxed out credit limits with major banks. So it seems that Soonyang Group will not be able to afford the purchase of Ahjin motors.

Sung-joon comes to Korea from studying abroad. A woman approaches him at the airport. He informs Sung-joon that his secretary was late on purpose. She reveals that their families intend to make it official, starting with the story of their suitcases being swiped at the airport, leading to a chance meeting.

  The woman introduces herself as Mo Hyeon-min, the only daughter of the Hyunsung Daily family. She is not interested in marrying into the Soonyang family. He gives her photos of himself hanging out with various women and leaves. At home, the family is overjoyed to have Sung-joo back. Chairman Jin mentions the marriage proposal, and Sun-joo’s mother disapproves of the proposal.

  Mr. Lee informs Chairman Jin about Miracle Investment’s interest in Ahjin Motors. Ahjin motors workers are on strike demanding payment of their salaries. Se-hyeon meets with the chairman of Ahjin motors and presents an offer to buy Ahjin motors.

  Elsewhere, Do-jun leaves his house and asks In-hyeok to give him the car keys because he doesn’t want Dong-ki to know where he is. In-hyeok is surprised that Do-joon already knows about her relationship with Dong-ki. In-hyeok wonders what will happen to him, and Do-jun gives him a chance to make up his mind and gives him a break from work.

  Do-jun goes to Hyeon-woo’s family restaurant. He notes that many businesses have been closed with debt notices. At the door of the restaurant, he finds notices of unpaid bills. Suddenly, Hyeon-woo’s mother appears and asks for food. Hyeon-woo’s mom invites him in, and he orders kimchi soup. He sees a similarity between the client and his son because they don’t eat raw eggs.

  Hyeon-woo’s father comes in shortly after with a bouquet of flowers. Hyeon-woo’s mother isn’t impressed, as they’re strapped for money and see buying a bouquet as a waste. They argue and Hyeon-woo’s father storms out. Newly understanding the situation, Do-jun remembers the conversation he had with Hyeon-woo’s father, who blamed him for his mother’s death. He feels remorse and runs outside to catch Hyeon-woo’s father, who has already left.

Back at Ahjin motors, Se-hyeon presents the purchase agreement to the chairman, including the employee buyout. They seem to have agreed, they are shaking hands.

  Do-jun rushes to catch the elevator and Soonyang motors and meets Hyeon-min. He remembers her as Sung-joo’s wife from his life as Hyeon-woo, and remembers when he ordered Hyeon-woo to bring Seong-joo to the succession event in thirty minutes or he’d be fired. He thinks she’s looking at him out of curiosity, but the label of her dress is left out.

  Chairman Jin Yang Cheol’s wife and daughter-in-law Lee Pil Ok volunteers in a gold collection campaign to help the country with its gold reserves. Hyungung plans to publish the daily news on the front page, but Chairman Jin has a different proposal. Hyeon-min and Seong-Joon meet with Chairman Jin and Hyeon-min’s father present. On the way out, Chairman Jin advises Do-jun not to associate with Se-hyeon.

  Hyeon-min becomes more interested in Do-jun after learning more about him from her father. Do-jun visits the coffee shop where Min-young works, and he interprets her consistency in drinking coffee during her shift as his interest in her. They agree to meet at the library the next day and she gives him his phone number.

  Hyeon-min meets SDo-jun at the university and gives him a newspaper. There is an article on the front page stating that the acquisition of Ahjin Motors by Miracle investments will hand over the Korean market to foreign investors. Thus, Korean citizens oppose the purchase, demanding the withdrawal of Miracle Investments; therefore, the transaction does not take place. In addition, Chang-je reports that the Seoul prosecutor’s office is investigating Ahjin Motor’s chairman for corruption and embezzlement. If found guilty, Ahjin motors will not become a public corporation, facilitating the buyout of Soonyang motors.

  Back at Miracle Investment, Se-hyeon learns that Do-jun is more interested in helping Ahjin Motors employees keep their jobs than the profits from buying Ahjin Motors. Do-jun is disappointed and pretends to be the man holding the chessboard, intending to negotiate with Chairman Jin. Se-hyeon is disappointed that Do-jun is willing to lose so much money in a futile attempt to get Ahjin motors.  

Flashback answers why Do-jun was going to buy the employee. Hyeon-woo’s father was among the protesting workers and was attacked by the police. Hyeon-woo’s mother faints after seeing her husband being beaten, and he dies. Do-jun wanted to save Hyen-woo’s mother.

  Jongsinjae visits Do-joon to talk to his grandfather, and Sung-joon informs him that he has a meeting with the president. Sung-joon informs him that the President has approved Soonyang Group’s purchase of Ahjin motors.

  At the meeting, Chairman Jin thinks he is the only candidate, but Daeyoung’s group chairman also comes to the talks. The president’s proposal is to merge Ahjin motors and Soonyang motors under the umbrella of Daeyoung motors.

  Do-jun comes up with a new idea. Se-hyeon meets with Chairman Jin and offers to help him buy Ahjin Motors and merge with Soonyang motors to become a top 10 car company in the world. He presents the condition that Chairman Jin agrees to retain all the employees of Ahjin motors. Chairman Jin agrees and presents the deal to the president, who agrees.

  To help Hyeon-woo’s family, Do-jun buys the three-way restaurant building and goes to present it to Hyeon-woo’s mother. But it turns out that what happens in Hyeon-woo’s life must happen in Do-joo’s life. Hyeon’s mother died.

Episode Review

  The episode is mainly about corporate games and examines the fierce competition, unfair deals and shortcomings that occur in the business environment. The story introduces new players, the eldest grandson Sung-joon and his potential wife Hyeon-min. We also witness government power over corporations and the business environment. Do-joon’s plans for revenge intensify, but he also faces various obstacles.

  It’s thrilling to watch the events unfold and Do-Joo’s ability to use his emotions in business dealings and smart business acumen. Important events seem to be set in stone and Do-jun may change the causality, but ultimately, it seems they will always happen in this timeline.


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