08 Top-Rated Things to Do in Paphos

08 Top-Rated Things to Do in Paphos



1. Pictures of Paphos Castle

Despite its small size, Paphos Castle is one of the most iconic places in Paphos . Built by the Ottomans in 1592, it sits on top of an old medieval castle built by the Lusignans , which in turn was built on top of an old Byzantine fortress.

You enter by crossing a small bridge over the moat. Its privileged location overlooking the port made it an excellent line of defense for the city. It’s the premiere spot in town for sweeping views across the Mediterranean. Climb to the roof for a grand panoramic view of the port area and the sea beyond.

There are also ruins of another fort at the breakwater, but they consist of only two stone hills.

2. Visit the sanctuary of Aphrodite.

The sanctuary of Aphrodite is located within the archaeological site of Palepaphos in the village of Kokleia , 16 km southeast of the center of Paphos .

The goddess was not represented in human form but with a conical stone anointed with oil. The courtyard is surrounded by several palaces, a mixture of early construction and later Roman additions.

The south wing of the building is best preserved. It is likely that a Phoenician temple was located within this ward of a small square, but Roman reconstructions have added to the confusion of the original design.

Contemporary built in AD 1 . It consists of rooms around a pillared atrium and contains mosaics. This house was probably a residence for the priests who looked after the harem.

The site contains the ruins of several other Roman homes, notably the House of Leda. It is reached by a well-marked path, and contains a replica of a mosaic depicting Leda and the Swan (the most famous in Cyprus).

3. Hike through the Akamas Peninsula

For those looking to lace up their walking shoes, the Akemis peninsula, 44 km north of Paphos , is a wild and beautiful place ideal for hikers and nature lovers. It contains an amazing amount of flora and fauna and is home to 35 species of plants found only in Cyprus.

All the trails here are well marked and managed , which means that everyone, not just experienced hikers, can enjoy them. The most popular is the Aphrodite Trail, which takes about four hours and starts and ends at the Baths of Aphrodite and leads to the ruins of Pyrgos Monastery. Rigainas in tis way .

Another trail not to be missed is the Adonis Trail, which is a short three-hour hike.

4. Viti day trip

Half a day outside of Paphos, Fyti Village is a timeless place with an air of bland country life that is still palpable despite the easy access to Paphos .

Come here to wander the narrow streets and take a break from the hustle and bustle of the beach.

Visit the Folklore Museum here where you can see displays of traditional textile weaving as well as trace the history of these crafts and purchase some fine silk and cotton products.

Other than that, just spend your time in the village enjoying the atmosphere of the fortified stone houses and old cobblestone streets.

The village is located 26 km northeast of Paphos.

5. Paphos Archaeological Museum

History lovers will love the Paphos Archaeological Museum, which houses a wide range of finds from excavations in the local area. Comprising four rooms, the collection contains a thoughtful display of Cypriot antiquities from the late Ottoman period to the Ottoman era.

The first room contains terra cotta carvings, lempa idols , and red vases of Paul. In the middle of the room is a skeleton from Limba Place .

Continue to the second room for an impressive display of classical Greek-style pottery, various sculptures, and coins minted by various city-kingdoms.

The third room is home to several sarcophagi and many Roman curiosities, including marble eyeballs and terracotta hot water bottles, while the final room, Chamber IV, houses artifacts from the House of Dionysus site and later artefacts. Period exhibits, especially medieval pottery, will be found here

6. Day trip to Funi

Paphos is an important base for day trips to the historical sites and sights of western North Cyprus.

If you’ve rented a car for the day, passing through the Limnitis-Yeşilirmak Green Line entrance on West Coast Main Road (don’t forget to bring your passport) is quick and stress-free. From here head north a few kilometers to the ancient site of Funi , where the sprawling ruins of a 4th-century BC palace dot a hilltop.

Although archaeologists are not entirely sure of its history, it is believed that the palace may have been Persian or Greek.

There are stunning views of the sea and the countryside.

Ancient Vouni , 96 km northeast of Paphos .

7. Stop by Ancient Soli.

Ancient Soli is located in northern Cyprus, about 101 km northeast of Paphos . It is best visited as part of a day trip to ancient Funi . You’ll need your own transport (or go as part of a tour), and you’ll need to remember to bring your passport to cross the Green Line 

Ancient Kourion and Ancient Salamis , Soli is one of the most important city and kingdom sites in Cyprus, and had two important eras: first during the Assyrian period and then during the Romans and Byzantines.

The most important part of the site is the basilica building, with mosaic remains preserved on the floor. Among them, look out for the swan and dolphin mosaic, which are the most intact.

Below, the ruins of the various Agora and town streets dot the hillside, while a small theater sits atop the cathedral.

8. Marvel at the frescoes inside the church of Agios Mamas

If you are interested in religious artwork, don’t miss the Agios Mamas Church in Morphou ( also known as Guzelyurt) . This gorgeous church, which honors the island’s patron saint, is one of the most interesting churches you’ll see in Cyprus.

The frescoes and frescoes are fresh, vibrant and brighter in the darkly lit interior, with an abundance of shimmering gold. The church also houses the tomb of Saint Mama, who is said to grant miraculous healing to those who leave offerings.

Next door is the town’s small Archaeological Museum which is well worth seeing with a small collection of ancient Voni and Soli artifacts.

Morphou is in northern Cyprus, about 119 km northeast of Paphos . Don’t forget to bring your passport because you will be crossing the Green Line.

Most people staying in Paphos who want to visit as part of a day trip that combines the church with visits to Ancient Voni and Ancient Soli, just to the northwest.

If you haven’t rented a car, you will need to go on a day trip.


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