08 top attractions and activities in Larnaca

08 top attractions and activities in Larnaca



1. Explore the streets of Lefkara.

If you want to get a feel for traditional Cypriot life, the villages around Larnaca are great places to visit.

Famous for its lace production, the village of Lefkara , west of Larnaca, is a great place to explore, filled with exquisitely preserved palace architecture, quaint cafes, and an array of lace shops. There is a place where local women sit outside in the sun making new pieces of lace. for sale.

Lefcarra lace Its fame stems from local legend that Leonardo da Vinci bought a piece of lace here in 1481 for use as an altar cloth in Milan Cathedral.

When you’re done shopping, the winding streets lead you to the Lefkara Local Museum, which contains pictures of traditional local life and is full of information about the history of the village.

Next, tour the Church of the Archangel Michael, which houses some of the most important iconographic paintings from the 12th century.

It is located about 38 km southwest of Larnaca and is difficult to reach by public transport, it is best to rent a car or take a taxi.

2. Visit Hala Sultan Tekke.

Number one on the list of things to do for nature seekers outside of Larnaca is the quietly beautiful Hala Sultan Tekke .

This mosque and mausoleum is located on the western side of the Larnaca salt lake, three kilometers west of the center of Larnaca .

An important pilgrimage site for Muslims, the mosque honors Umm Haram, the wet nurse of the Prophet Muhammad , who is said to have died at the site after falling from a donkey, and in AD 645 a shrine was dedicated to his grave.

The current mosque was built by the Ottomans and dates back to 1816.

Larnaca Saline is a nature reserve and large flocks of flamingos and ducks can be easily seen in the spring.

During the summer, the water completely evaporates, leaving a white layer of shimmering salt in its place.

Winding , which also leads to Hala Sultan Tech which is a lovely afternoon stroll.

Due to Larnaca’s irregular public transportation system , it is easiest to reach the lake and the mosque with your own transport.

3. Admire the architecture of the Agia Napa Monastery.

Ayia Napa, just 45 kilometers east of Larnaca , is home to the famous monastery built by the Venetians and located right in the heart of the city. The monastery was one of the last buildings to be built during the Venetian era on the island.

It sits on top of a cave where an icon of the Virgin Mary was placed for protection while the devastation of Byzantine iconoclasm spread across the island.

The abbey was founded in the 16th century by the daughter of a Venetian nobleman, who came here in search of a secluded retreat after her father refused to marry a commoner. He built two churches, one Catholic and one Orthodox, both of which are now under one roof.

The fountain in the center of the courtyard was built as his tomb and contains images of his parents, himself, and a lion chasing a gazelle.

The church survived the Ottoman invasion and remained in use during this period, although it was abandoned in the 18th century and fell into disrepair.

Along the south wall is a gateway with a pond overlooking a huge sycamore fig tree said to be 600 years old.

There are buses every hour from Larnaca to Ayia Napa, which take you right next to the monastery.

4. Hike the trails of Cape Greco.

Head to Cape Greco, 60 km east of Larnaca , for a stroll or stroll along the stunning coastal panorama . This national park is located between the cities of Ayia Napa and Protaras, and is the southernmost point of the island.

The easy trails here (ideal for nature-seeking families as well as more experienced hikers) traverse sheer cliffs with sweeping views across the Mediterranean.

If you want to enjoy the sea view from above, there are plenty of benches on the edge of the cliff.

For more action, steps cut into the rock allow access to some of the sea caves below.

Konos Beach is on the tip of Protaras in Cape Greco, so pack a swimsuit and take a relaxing swim at the end of your trip.

Along the coastal path, wildflower lovers may want to explore the various walking trails that diverge from the main trail, where an abundance of wild orchids bloom in spring.

There are regular buses between Agia Napa and Protaras that can drop you right in front of the park entrance.

5. Archaeological Perides

Housed in a restored 18th-century mansion, just behind Larnaca’s waterfront, this wonderful museum houses an impressive private exhibition of Cypriot antiquities, which were originally collected by Demetrius. Peridis (1811-1895), Cypriot archaeologist and archaeologist, enriched by members of his family.

The museum was founded in 1839 and houses 2,500 exhibits that range from the Neolithic period to the Middle Ages.

In one room, pottery from the Neolithic period and various offerings to the gods as well as dishes used in rituals can be seen.

Move on to the second room for more pottery with images of birds and fish, as well as figurines used in religious rituals.

The third room contains a jug, an alabaster vase, and a wall mask from the Marion site, and the fourth room contains a collection of pottery and glass from the Middle Ages, as well as some jewelry.

6. Stop at the Trade Canal.

Larnaca with water until the thirties of the last century.

It was part of a complex system of water engineering that used a series of tunnels to deliver water to the city, and was built on the orders of the local Ottoman governor and modeled on common aqueducts from Roman times.

Today, the 33 powerful arches make for an impressive sight set around lush green fields.

Come in the evening when the arches are lit, or during the day, when sheep graze in the fields between the arches.

You can get to the arches by taking any city bus bound for K Cineplex.

7. Study history at the Larnaca Archaeological Museum.

Larnaca Archaeological Museum has a collection of finds from the surrounding area, dating from the Neolithic period through Roman times.

The first room displays sculptures, mostly female busts and terracotta figures, while the next room displays pottery from excavations at Kishion (the ancient name of Larnaca) and Livadia, a village east of Larnaca. The collection is well preserved , with Mycenaean vases and an assortment of bronze ornaments. Clay and glass 

Chorocoetia also contains some flint artefacts and some glass from Roman times.

Although the collection can be a bit haphazard and not well marked, it’s worth a stop here, especially to look at the terracotta statues, which are absolutely beautiful.

The Chisinau Archaeological Site is home to most of the groups. Although there isn’t much to see, check out the remnants of the cyclopean walls and ruins of temples dating back to the 13th century BC.

8. Beach resort of Protaras

Protaras is one of the best beach resorts in Cyprus for families to spend a holiday. The beaches here – especially Fig Tree Bay – have soft white sand and incredibly clear and calm waters, perfect for kids to wade safely.

The town itself is far from the hustle and bustle of the big resorts and most vacationers come exclusively for lazy days at the beach.

Agios Elias is on a ridge along the main road to town, and if you feel like a short climb, the summit offers great views along the entire coast.

From Agia Napa to Protaras only 20 minutes, so you can easily take a bus from Larnaca to Agia Napa and then to Protaras , and back the same way in one day.

Protaras, about 70 km east of Larnaca .


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